float FadeInStart { get; set; }



The FadeInStart property of the VolumetricFogParameters class specifies the distance from the camera at which the fog effect begins to fade in. This property is a float value representing the start distance in world units.


To use the FadeInStart property, you need to have an instance of the VolumetricFogParameters class. You can then set or get the FadeInStart value to control where the fog effect starts to become visible in your scene.


// Create an instance of VolumetricFogParameters
VolumetricFogParameters fogParams = new VolumetricFogParameters();

// Set the FadeInStart distance to 50 units
fogParams.FadeInStart = 50.0f;

// Retrieve the current FadeInStart distance
float startDistance = fogParams.FadeInStart;

// Output the FadeInStart distance
// Note: Avoid using Console.WriteLine in Sandbox
// Instead, use in-game debugging tools or UI elements to display this value