float Degrees { get; set; }



The Degrees property of the Vector2 struct returns the angle of the vector in degrees. This angle is always between 0 and 360 degrees, providing a full circle representation of the vector's direction in 2D space. This property is useful for converting the vector's direction into a more human-readable format, such as when displaying angles in a user interface or performing calculations that require angle measurements.


To access the Degrees property, you need to have an instance of a Vector2 object. The property is read-only and provides the angle of the vector in degrees. This can be particularly useful in scenarios where you need to determine the orientation of a vector relative to a standard reference direction.


// Example of using the Degrees property
Vector2 vector = new Vector2(1, 1);
float angleInDegrees = vector.Degrees;
// angleInDegrees will be 45.0, as the vector (1, 1) is at a 45-degree angle from the x-axis.