static void Sort( Vector3& min, Vector3& max )



The Vector3.Sort method is a static method that takes two Vector3 references as parameters, min and max. It sorts the components of these vectors such that the min vector contains the minimum values for each component, and the max vector contains the maximum values for each component. This is useful for ensuring that a pair of vectors represent a valid bounding box or range in 3D space.


To use the Vector3.Sort method, you need to pass two Vector3 variables by reference. After the method call, the first variable will contain the minimum values and the second variable will contain the maximum values for each component.


Vector3 a = new Vector3(3, 5, 1);
Vector3 b = new Vector3(2, 4, 6);

Vector3.Sort(ref a, ref b);

// After sorting:
// a will be (2, 4, 1)
// b will be (3, 5, 6)