static Vector3 VectorPlaneProject( Vector3& v, Vector3& planeNormal )



The Vector3.VectorPlaneProject method projects a vector onto a plane defined by a normal vector. This is useful in scenarios where you need to find the component of a vector that lies within a plane, effectively removing the component of the vector that is perpendicular to the plane.


To use the Vector3.VectorPlaneProject method, you need to provide two parameters:

  • v: The vector you want to project onto the plane. This is passed by reference.
  • planeNormal: The normal vector of the plane onto which you want to project the vector. This is also passed by reference.

The method returns a new Vector3 that represents the projection of v onto the plane defined by planeNormal.


// Example usage of Vector3.VectorPlaneProject
Vector3 vector = new Vector3(3, 4, 5);
Vector3 planeNormal = new Vector3(0, 1, 0); // Plane normal pointing up

Vector3 projectedVector = Vector3.VectorPlaneProject(ref vector, ref planeNormal);

// projectedVector now contains the component of 'vector' that lies in the plane
// defined by 'planeNormal'. In this case, it removes the Y component of 'vector'.