Vector3 WithAcceleration( Vector3 target, float acceleration )



The WithAcceleration method in the Vector3 struct is used to calculate a new vector that represents the current vector accelerated towards a target vector by a specified acceleration value. This method is useful for simulating movement or changes in velocity in a 3D space, where you want to gradually move a vector towards a target position.


To use the WithAcceleration method, you need to have an instance of a Vector3 object. You call this method on the instance, passing in the target vector and the acceleration value as parameters. The method returns a new Vector3 that is the result of applying the acceleration towards the target vector.


Vector3 currentPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
Vector3 targetPosition = new Vector3(10, 10, 10);
float acceleration = 0.5f;

Vector3 newPosition = currentPosition.WithAcceleration(targetPosition, acceleration);
// newPosition now represents the current position accelerated towards the target position by 0.5 units.