static bool TryParse( string str, System.IFormatProvider info, Vector3Int& result )



The Vector3Int.TryParse method attempts to convert a string representation of a 3D integer vector into a Vector3Int object. This method is useful when you need to safely parse a string input without throwing exceptions if the input is invalid.


To use the TryParse method, provide the string to be parsed, an IFormatProvider for culture-specific formatting, and an output parameter to store the result if the parsing is successful. The method returns a boolean indicating whether the parsing was successful.


string input = "1,2,3";
IFormatProvider formatProvider = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
Vector3Int result;

bool success = Vector3Int.TryParse(input, formatProvider, out result);

if (success)
    // Use the parsed Vector3Int
    // result now contains the Vector3Int representation of the input string
    // Handle the parsing failure
    // The input string was not in a valid format