static System.Object JsonRead( System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonReader& reader, System.Type typeToConvert )



The JsonRead method is a static method of the MixerHandle struct within the Sandbox.Audio namespace. It is used to read and convert JSON data into an object of a specified type. This method is particularly useful for deserializing JSON data into a MixerHandle object or other related types.


To use the JsonRead method, you need to provide a Utf8JsonReader reference and a Type object representing the type you want to convert the JSON data into. The method will return an Object that is the result of the conversion.

Ensure that the JSON data being read is compatible with the type specified by typeToConvert to avoid runtime errors.


// Example usage of the JsonRead method

using System;
using System.Text.Json;

public class Example
    public static void Main()
        // JSON data to be read
        string jsonString = "{ \"Name\": \"MainMixer\", \"Id\": \"d3b07384-d9a1-4c9b-8f3d-2b0b2e0a5f5a\" }";
        byte[] jsonData = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(jsonString);
        Utf8JsonReader reader = new Utf8JsonReader(jsonData);

        // Specify the type to convert to
        Type typeToConvert = typeof(Sandbox.Audio.MixerHandle);

        // Read and convert the JSON data
        object result = Sandbox.Audio.MixerHandle.JsonRead(ref reader, typeToConvert);

        // Cast the result to the expected type
        Sandbox.Audio.MixerHandle mixerHandle = (Sandbox.Audio.MixerHandle)result;

        // Use the deserialized object
        Console.WriteLine($"Mixer Name: {mixerHandle.Name}, Mixer ID: {mixerHandle.Id}");