bool OcclusionOverride { get; set; }



The OcclusionOverride property in the BaseSoundComponent class is a boolean flag that determines whether the occlusion settings for a sound component should be overridden. When set to true, it allows the user to specify custom occlusion parameters, potentially altering how sound is perceived in relation to obstacles or environmental factors.


To use the OcclusionOverride property, you can set it to true if you want to customize the occlusion behavior of a sound component. This is useful in scenarios where the default occlusion settings do not meet the specific needs of your audio design.

Example usage:

var soundComponent = new BaseSoundComponent();
soundComponent.OcclusionOverride = true; // Enable custom occlusion settings


// Example of setting the OcclusionOverride property
BaseSoundComponent soundComponent = new BaseSoundComponent();
soundComponent.OcclusionOverride = true; // Enable custom occlusion settings

// Further customization can be done by setting other related properties
soundComponent.Occlusion = true; // Enable occlusion
soundComponent.OcclusionRadius = 100.0f; // Set the occlusion radius