Texture RenderTarget { get; set; }



The RenderTarget property of the CameraComponent class specifies the texture to which the camera will render its output. This property is essential when you want to render the camera's view to a texture instead of directly to the screen. It requires the use of Texture.CreateRenderTarget to create a suitable render target texture.


To use the RenderTarget property, you must first create a render target texture using Texture.CreateRenderTarget. Once you have a render target, you can assign it to the RenderTarget property of a CameraComponent instance. This will direct the camera to render its view to the specified texture.


// Create a render target texture
Texture renderTarget = Texture.CreateRenderTarget( width: 1024, height: 768 );

// Get the camera component
CameraComponent camera = new CameraComponent();

// Assign the render target to the camera
camera.RenderTarget = renderTarget;

// Now the camera will render its view to the renderTarget texture