Ray ScreenPixelToRay( Vector3 pixelPosition )



The ScreenPixelToRay method in the CameraComponent class is used to convert a screen pixel position into a Ray in world space. This is particularly useful for determining the direction of a ray from the camera through a specific pixel on the screen, which can be used for tasks such as raycasting or picking objects in a 3D scene.


To use the ScreenPixelToRay method, you need to provide a Vector3 representing the pixel position on the screen. The method will return a Ray object that starts at the camera's position and points in the direction through the specified pixel.

Ensure that the CameraComponent is properly configured and attached to a camera in the scene before calling this method.


// Example usage of ScreenPixelToRay
CameraComponent cameraComponent = new CameraComponent();
Vector3 pixelPosition = new Vector3(100, 150, 0); // Example pixel position
Ray ray = cameraComponent.ScreenPixelToRay(pixelPosition);

// Use the ray for raycasting or other purposes
// For example, checking what the ray intersects with in the scene