Vector3 CenterA { get; set; }



The CenterA property of the ManualHitbox class represents one of the two center points used to define the hitbox's position in 3D space. This property is of type Vector3, which means it holds three-dimensional coordinates (x, y, z) that specify the location of this center point relative to the GameObject to which the hitbox is attached.


Use the CenterA property to set or retrieve the position of the first center point of the hitbox. This is useful when you need to manually adjust the hitbox's position for precise collision detection or when setting up custom hitbox configurations.


// Example of setting the CenterA property
ManualHitbox hitbox = new ManualHitbox();
hitbox.CenterA = new Vector3(1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f);

// Example of getting the CenterA property
Vector3 centerAPosition = hitbox.CenterA;
// Use centerAPosition for further calculations or logic