void OnModeEnd( MoveMode next )



The OnModeEnd method is a virtual method in the MoveMode class, which is part of the Sandbox.Movement namespace. This method is called when the current movement mode ends, and the system is transitioning to another movement mode. It provides an opportunity to perform any necessary cleanup or state transition logic before the new mode begins.


Override this method in a derived class to implement custom behavior that should occur when the movement mode ends. This could include resetting variables, stopping animations, or preparing the system for the next mode.

The method takes a single parameter, next, which is of type MoveMode. This parameter represents the next movement mode that will be activated.


public class CustomMoveMode : MoveMode
    public override void OnModeEnd(MoveMode next)
        // Custom logic to execute when this mode ends
        // For example, reset speed or stop animations

        // Optionally, log the transition

    private void ResetSpeed()
        // Implementation to reset speed

    private void StopCurrentAnimations()
        // Implementation to stop animations

    private void LogTransition(MoveMode next)
        // Log the transition to the next mode
        // Example: Log.Info($"Transitioning to {next.GetType().Name}");