TimeSince TimeSinceGrounded { get; set; }



The TimeSinceGrounded property of the PlayerController class represents the amount of time that has passed since the player character was last on the ground. This property is useful for determining how long the player has been airborne, which can be used to implement features such as jump cooldowns or fall damage calculations.


To use the TimeSinceGrounded property, you can access it directly from an instance of PlayerController. This property is read-only and automatically updated by the game engine, so you do not need to manually set its value.


// Example of using TimeSinceGrounded in a PlayerController
public class MyPlayerController : PlayerController
    public override void Simulate()

        // Check if the player has been airborne for more than 1 second
        if (TimeSinceGrounded > 1.0f)
            // Implement logic for when the player has been in the air for too long
            // For example, apply fall damage or trigger an animation