RenderOptions RenderOptions { get; set; }



The RenderOptions property of the Renderer class in the Sandbox API is used to configure advanced rendering settings for a renderer component. This property allows you to specify various rendering options that can affect how the renderer processes and displays graphics in the scene.

The property is decorated with several attributes that provide additional metadata and functionality:

  • PropertyAttribute: Indicates that this is a property that can be exposed in the editor.
  • MakeDirtyAttribute: Marks the property as needing to be re-evaluated or updated when its value changes.
  • OrderAttribute: Specifies the order in which this property appears in the editor, with a value of -100 indicating a high priority.
  • InlineEditorAttribute: Allows the property to be edited inline within the editor interface.
  • GroupAttribute: Groups this property under the "Advanced Rendering" category in the editor.


To use the RenderOptions property, you need to have a Renderer component in your scene. You can access and modify the RenderOptions property to customize the rendering behavior of the component. This can be done programmatically within your game logic or through the editor interface if you are working within the Sandbox environment.

Example usage:

Renderer myRenderer = new Renderer();
myRenderer.RenderOptions = new RenderOptions
    // Set specific rendering options here


Renderer myRenderer = new Renderer();
myRenderer.RenderOptions = new RenderOptions
    // Set specific rendering options here