bool OverrideMassCenter { get; set; }



The OverrideMassCenter property of the Rigidbody class is a boolean value that determines whether the mass center of the rigid body should be overridden. When set to true, the mass center can be manually specified using the MassCenterOverride property. This can be useful for adjusting the balance and behavior of the rigid body in the physics simulation.


To use the OverrideMassCenter property, you need to have a Rigidbody component attached to a game object. You can then set this property to true if you want to manually specify the mass center of the rigid body. Ensure that you also set the MassCenterOverride property to define the new mass center position.


// Example of using OverrideMassCenter
Rigidbody rigidbody = new Rigidbody();

// Enable mass center override
rigidbody.OverrideMassCenter = true;

// Set the new mass center position
rigidbody.MassCenterOverride = new Vector3(0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f);