IEnumerable<Collider> Touching { get; set; }



The Touching property of the Rigidbody class provides a list of all the trigger colliders that the rigidbody is currently in contact with. This property is useful for determining which triggers are being interacted with by the rigidbody at any given time.


To access the Touching property, you need to have an instance of a Rigidbody component. You can then iterate over the collection of Collider objects to perform operations based on the triggers the rigidbody is touching.


// Assuming 'rigidbody' is an instance of Rigidbody
foreach (var collider in rigidbody.Touching)
    // Perform operations with each collider
    // For example, log the name of the collider
    Log.Info($"Touching collider: {collider.Name}");