RenderAttributes Attributes { get; set; }



The Attributes property of the ComputeShader class represents the RenderAttributes that are passed to the compute shader when it is dispatched. These attributes can include various settings and parameters that influence how the shader operates on the GPU.


To use the Attributes property, you first need to create an instance of the ComputeShader class. You can then set the Attributes property with a RenderAttributes object that contains the desired settings for the shader. Once set, you can dispatch the shader using the Dispatch or DispatchWithAttributes methods.


// Create a new ComputeShader instance
ComputeShader computeShader = new ComputeShader();

// Create and configure RenderAttributes
RenderAttributes renderAttributes = new RenderAttributes();
// Configure renderAttributes as needed

// Assign the RenderAttributes to the ComputeShader
computeShader.Attributes = renderAttributes;

// Dispatch the compute shader with the specified number of threads
computeShader.DispatchWithAttributes(renderAttributes, 8, 8, 1);