static void DrawModelInstancedIndirect( Model model, GpuBuffer buffer, int bufferOffset, RenderAttributes attributes )



The DrawModelInstancedIndirect method is a static method of the Sandbox.Graphics class. It is used to render multiple instances of a model using indirect drawing. This method leverages GPU buffers to determine the number of instances and their attributes, allowing for efficient rendering of large numbers of objects.


To use DrawModelInstancedIndirect, you need to provide the following parameters:

  • model: The Sandbox.Model object that you want to render.
  • buffer: A Sandbox.GpuBuffer that contains the instance data. This buffer should be structured to match the expected input layout for the shader.
  • bufferOffset: An int specifying the offset in the buffer where the instance data begins.
  • attributes: A Sandbox.RenderAttributes object that contains additional rendering attributes, such as material properties or transformation matrices.

This method is typically used in scenarios where you need to render a large number of instances of a model efficiently, such as in particle systems or crowds.


// Example usage of DrawModelInstancedIndirect

// Assume model, buffer, and attributes are already defined and initialized
Sandbox.Model model = GetModel();
Sandbox.GpuBuffer buffer = GetInstanceBuffer();
int bufferOffset = 0;
Sandbox.RenderAttributes attributes = new Sandbox.RenderAttributes();

// Draw the model with instancing
Sandbox.Graphics.DrawModelInstancedIndirect(model, buffer, bufferOffset, attributes);