string DebugName { get; set; }



The DebugName property of the CommandList class in the Sandbox.Rendering namespace is a public instance property that holds a string value. This property is used to assign or retrieve a name for debugging purposes. It can be useful for identifying and tracking specific command lists during rendering operations, especially when diagnosing issues or optimizing performance.


To use the DebugName property, simply access it through an instance of the CommandList class. You can set it to a descriptive string that helps you identify the command list during debugging sessions.


// Create a new CommandList instance
CommandList commandList = new CommandList();

// Set the DebugName for the command list
commandList.DebugName = "MainRenderPass";

// Retrieve the DebugName
string debugName = commandList.DebugName;

// Output the DebugName
// Note: Avoid using Console.WriteLine in Sandbox
// Use a logging system or debugger to view the debug name
// Log.Debug(debugName);