void DrawModelInstancedIndirect( Model model, GpuBuffer buffer, int bufferOffset, RenderAttributes attributes )



The DrawModelInstancedIndirect method in the CommandList class is used to draw multiple instances of a model using GPU instancing. The number of instances to be drawn is determined by indirect draw arguments, which are typically stored in a GPU buffer. This method is particularly useful for rendering a large number of instances efficiently by leveraging the GPU's capabilities.

When using this method, shaders can access the rendered instance using the SV_InstanceID semantic, which provides the instance index.


To use the DrawModelInstancedIndirect method, you need to provide the following parameters:

  • model: The Model object that you want to draw.
  • buffer: A GpuBuffer that contains the indirect draw arguments. This buffer should be set up with the appropriate data structure for indirect drawing.
  • bufferOffset: An int specifying the offset in the buffer where the draw arguments begin.
  • attributes: A RenderAttributes object that contains additional rendering attributes and settings.

Ensure that the GPU buffer is correctly populated with the necessary draw arguments before calling this method.


// Example usage of DrawModelInstancedIndirect
var commandList = new CommandList();
var model = new Model("path/to/model");
var gpuBuffer = new GpuBuffer();
int bufferOffset = 0;
var renderAttributes = new RenderAttributes();

// Populate gpuBuffer with indirect draw arguments
// ...

// Draw the model instances
commandList.DrawModelInstancedIndirect(model, gpuBuffer, bufferOffset, renderAttributes);