ResourceState DepthRead



The DepthRead field is a member of the ResourceState enumeration within the Sandbox.Rendering namespace. It represents a specific state of a GPU resource where the resource is set for reading depth data. This state is typically used when a depth buffer is being read by a shader, but not written to.


Use the DepthRead state when you need to transition a resource to a state where it can be read for depth information, such as when performing operations that require depth testing or depth-based effects without modifying the depth buffer.


// Example of transitioning a resource to DepthRead state
ResourceState currentState = ResourceState.Common;
ResourceState desiredState = ResourceState.DepthRead;

// Transition the resource state
TransitionResourceState(resource, currentState, desiredState);

// Function to handle resource state transition
void TransitionResourceState(Resource resource, ResourceState fromState, ResourceState toState)
    // Implementation of state transition logic
    // This would typically involve setting up a barrier or similar mechanism