void Dispose()



The Dispose method of the Texture class is used to release the handle associated with the texture. This method is particularly useful when you want to explicitly free up resources associated with the texture before the garbage collector automatically does so. If the texture is not referenced by any other objects, calling Dispose will ensure that the texture is released properly. This method is automatically called in the destructor, but calling it manually allows you to manage resources more efficiently by indicating to the engine that you are done with the texture immediately.


To use the Dispose method, simply call it on an instance of the Texture class when you are finished using the texture and want to release its resources. This is particularly useful in scenarios where you are managing a large number of textures and want to ensure that resources are freed as soon as they are no longer needed.


// Example of using the Dispose method
Texture myTexture = Texture.Load("path/to/texture");

// Use the texture for rendering or other operations

// Once done, dispose of the texture to free resources