void EditLog( string name, System.Object source )



The EditLog method is part of the Component class in the Sandbox API. This method is marked as obsolete and should not be used in new code. It was originally intended to be called when something on the component has been edited. Instead, developers are advised to use Scene.Editor.UndoScope or Scene.Editor.AddUndo for handling undo operations related to component edits.


Since EditLog is obsolete, it is recommended to avoid using it in your code. Instead, use the recommended alternatives:

  • Scene.Editor.UndoScope: Use this to create a scope for undo operations, which automatically handles undo/redo actions.
  • Scene.Editor.AddUndo: Use this to manually add an undo action to the editor's undo stack.


// Example of using the recommended alternative
using Sandbox;

public class MyComponent : Component
    public void EditSomething()
        // Instead of using EditLog, use Scene.Editor.UndoScope
        using (var undo = new Scene.Editor.UndoScope("Edit Something"))
            // Perform your edit operations here
            // ...

            // Mark the operation as complete