void Invoke( float secondsDelay, System.Action action, CancellationToken ct )



The Invoke method allows you to schedule an action to be executed after a specified delay. This method is useful for timing events or actions that need to occur after a certain period. The action will not be executed if the component is no longer active at the time of invocation.


To use the Invoke method, you need to provide three parameters:

  • secondsDelay: A float value representing the delay in seconds before the action is executed.
  • action: A System.Action delegate that defines the method to be executed after the delay.
  • ct: A System.Threading.CancellationToken that can be used to cancel the invocation if needed.

Ensure that the component is active when the action is supposed to be executed, as the action will not run if the component is inactive.


// Example of using the Invoke method in a component
public class MyComponent : Component
    public void Start()
        // Schedule an action to be executed after 5 seconds
        Invoke(5.0f, () => {
            // Action to be executed
        }, CancellationToken.None);

    private void DoSomething()
        // Your logic here