IEnumerable<GameObject> GetAllObjects( bool enabled )



The GetAllObjects method retrieves all GameObject instances within the current context, filtered by their enabled state. This method is useful for iterating over all game objects in a scene or a specific context, allowing you to perform operations on them based on whether they are enabled or not.


To use the GetAllObjects method, call it on an instance of GameObject. Pass a boolean parameter to specify whether you want to include only enabled objects or all objects regardless of their enabled state.


  • enabled (Boolean): If set to true, only enabled GameObject instances will be returned. If false, all objects will be returned regardless of their enabled state.


// Example usage of GetAllObjects method

// Assume 'gameObject' is an instance of GameObject
IEnumerable<GameObject> enabledObjects = gameObject.GetAllObjects(true);

foreach (var obj in enabledObjects)
    // Perform operations on each enabled GameObject

// To get all objects regardless of their enabled state
IEnumerable<GameObject> allObjects = gameObject.GetAllObjects(false);

foreach (var obj in allObjects)
    // Perform operations on each GameObject