GameObject GetNextSibling( bool enabledOnly )



The GetNextSibling method retrieves the next sibling GameObject in the hierarchy. A sibling is another GameObject that shares the same parent. This method can be used to navigate through the hierarchy of GameObjects.


To use the GetNextSibling method, call it on an instance of a GameObject. You can specify whether to include only enabled GameObjects by passing a boolean parameter:

  • true: Only enabled siblings will be considered.
  • false: All siblings, regardless of their enabled state, will be considered.


// Example usage of GetNextSibling
GameObject currentObject = ...; // Assume this is your current GameObject
bool enabledOnly = true; // Set to true if you want only enabled siblings
GameObject nextSibling = currentObject.GetNextSibling(enabledOnly);

if (nextSibling != null)
    // Do something with the next sibling
    nextSibling.Name = "NextSiblingObject";