T GetOrAddComponent( bool startEnabled )



The GetOrAddComponent<T> method is a generic method of the GameObject class that attempts to retrieve a component of type T from the GameObject. If the component does not exist, it adds a new component of type T to the GameObject. This method is useful for ensuring that a GameObject has a specific component, without needing to check for its existence beforehand.


To use the GetOrAddComponent<T> method, specify the type of component you want to retrieve or add as the generic type parameter T. The method also takes a boolean parameter startEnabled which determines whether the component should be enabled upon creation if it does not already exist.


// Example usage of GetOrAddComponent

// Assuming 'gameObject' is an instance of GameObject
var myComponent = gameObject.GetOrAddComponent<MyComponent>(true);

// 'myComponent' will be the existing component if it exists,
// or a new instance of MyComponent if it doesn't.