static System.Object JsonRead( System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonReader& reader, System.Type targetType )



The JsonRead method is a static method of the GameObject class in the Sandbox API. It is used to read JSON data and convert it into an object of a specified type. This method is particularly useful for deserializing JSON data into a GameObject or any other type specified by the targetType parameter.


To use the JsonRead method, you need to provide a Utf8JsonReader reference and a Type object representing the type you want to deserialize the JSON data into. The method will return an object of the specified type.


// Example usage of JsonRead method

// Assuming 'jsonReader' is an instance of Utf8JsonReader
// and 'desiredType' is the Type you want to deserialize to

System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonReader jsonReader = ...;
System.Type desiredType = typeof(MyCustomType);

object result = GameObject.JsonRead(ref jsonReader, desiredType);

// 'result' now holds the deserialized object of type 'MyCustomType'