string PrefabInstanceSource { get; set; }



The PrefabInstanceSource property of a GameObject provides the file path of the prefab from which this instance was created. This property is useful for identifying the original prefab source of a GameObject instance, especially when dealing with multiple instances of the same prefab in a scene.


Use the PrefabInstanceSource property to retrieve the path of the prefab that was used to create the current GameObject instance. This can be particularly useful for debugging or when you need to perform operations based on the prefab source.


// Example of accessing the PrefabInstanceSource property
GameObject myGameObject = new GameObject();
string prefabSource = myGameObject.PrefabInstanceSource;

if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(prefabSource))
    // Perform operations knowing the prefab source
    Console.WriteLine($"This GameObject was instantiated from prefab: {prefabSource}");