static bool TryParse( string value, Color& color )



The Color.TryParse method attempts to parse a string representation of a color into a Color object. This method is useful when you need to convert a string, such as a hex code or a named color, into a Color object in a safe manner without throwing exceptions if the parsing fails.


To use the Color.TryParse method, provide a string that represents the color you want to parse and an uninitialized Color variable to store the result. The method returns a boolean indicating whether the parsing was successful.

If the method returns true, the color parameter will contain the parsed Color object. If it returns false, the color parameter will remain uninitialized.


// Example usage of Color.TryParse
string colorString = "#FF5733";
Color parsedColor;

bool success = Color.TryParse(colorString, out parsedColor);

if (success)
    // Use parsedColor here
    // For example, set it to a material or UI element
    // Handle the case where parsing failed
    // Perhaps log an error or use a default color