Plane FarPlane



The FarPlane field represents the far plane of the frustum, which is one of the six planes that define the boundaries of a frustum in 3D space. This plane is oriented to point inwards, towards the center of the frustum, and is used to determine the farthest extent of the viewable area in a 3D scene.


To access the FarPlane field, you need to have an instance of the Frustum struct. This field is public and non-static, meaning it is accessed through an instance of Frustum. The FarPlane is of type Plane, which provides methods and properties to work with geometric planes.


// Example of accessing the FarPlane of a Frustum
Frustum frustum = new Frustum();
Plane farPlane = frustum.FarPlane;

// Use the farPlane for calculations or checks
Vector3 point = new Vector3(0, 0, 100);
bool isPointBeyondFarPlane = farPlane.Distance(point) > 0;