

The GetCorner method of the Frustum struct retrieves the position of a specified corner of the frustum. The frustum is a geometric shape commonly used in 3D graphics to represent the visible area of a scene. This method returns a nullable Vector3 representing the corner's position in 3D space.


To use the GetCorner method, you need to pass an integer parameter i that specifies which corner of the frustum you want to retrieve. The method returns a Vector3? (nullable Vector3), which will be null if the specified corner index is invalid.

The valid range for i typically depends on the implementation details of the frustum, but it generally ranges from 0 to 7, corresponding to the eight corners of a typical frustum.


// Example of using the GetCorner method
Frustum frustum = new Frustum();

// Retrieve the position of the first corner
Vector3? cornerPosition = frustum.GetCorner(0);

if (cornerPosition.HasValue)
    Vector3 position = cornerPosition.Value;
    // Use the position vector as needed
    // Handle the case where the corner index is invalid