static float DistanceBetweenSquared( Vector2 a, Vector2 b )



The DistanceBetweenSquared method calculates the squared distance between two Vector2 points. This method is useful when you need to compare distances without the computational cost of a square root operation, which is required for calculating the actual distance.


Use this method when you need to compare distances between two points in a 2D space and the exact distance is not necessary. This can be particularly useful in performance-critical code where avoiding the square root operation can save processing time.


Vector2 pointA = new Vector2(1.0f, 2.0f);
Vector2 pointB = new Vector2(4.0f, 6.0f);

float squaredDistance = Vector2.DistanceBetweenSquared(pointA, pointB);
// squaredDistance will hold the value 25.0f, which is the squared distance between pointA and pointB.