Vector2 LerpTo( Vector2 target, float t, bool clamp )
Vector2 LerpTo( Vector2 target, Vector2 t, bool clamp )



The LerpTo method is an instance method of the Vector2 struct that performs a linear interpolation from the current vector to a target vector. The interpolation is controlled by a parameter t, which represents the interpolation factor. Optionally, the result can be clamped to ensure it does not exceed the target vector.


To use the LerpTo method, call it on an instance of Vector2, passing in the target vector, the interpolation factor, and a boolean indicating whether to clamp the result.

The interpolation factor t should be a value between 0 and 1, where 0 returns the current vector and 1 returns the target vector. If clamp is set to true, the result will be clamped between the current and target vectors.


Vector2 current = new Vector2(0, 0);
Vector2 target = new Vector2(10, 10);
float t = 0.5f;
bool clamp = true;

Vector2 result = current.LerpTo(target, t, clamp);
// result will be (5, 5) if clamp is true, otherwise it will be the interpolated value without clamping.