static bool TryParse( string str, Vector2& result )
static bool TryParse( string str, System.IFormatProvider provider, Vector2& result )



The Vector2.TryParse method attempts to convert a string representation of a 2D vector into a Vector2 object. This method is useful for safely parsing strings that may or may not represent valid vectors, as it does not throw an exception if the conversion fails.


To use the Vector2.TryParse method, provide a string that represents a 2D vector and an uninitialized Vector2 variable to store the result. The method returns a boolean indicating whether the parsing was successful.

The string should be in a format that can be interpreted as a vector, such as "1.0, 2.0". If the string is correctly formatted, the method will return true and the result parameter will contain the parsed vector. If the string is not correctly formatted, the method will return false and the result will be set to Vector2.Zero.


string input = "3.5, 4.2";
Vector2 vector;

if (Vector2.TryParse(input, out vector))
    // Parsing was successful, use 'vector' here
    // vector.x will be 3.5 and vector.y will be 4.2
    // Parsing failed, handle the error
    // 'vector' will be set to Vector2.Zero