Vector3 WithFriction( float frictionAmount, float stopSpeed )



The WithFriction method applies a friction effect to a Vector3 instance, reducing its magnitude over time. This is useful for simulating the effect of friction on a moving object, gradually slowing it down until it stops.


To use the WithFriction method, call it on a Vector3 instance, passing in the desired friction amount and stop speed. The friction amount determines how quickly the vector's magnitude is reduced, while the stop speed specifies the speed at which the vector should be considered stopped.


Vector3 velocity = new Vector3(10, 0, 0);
float frictionAmount = 0.1f;
float stopSpeed = 0.01f;

Vector3 newVelocity = velocity.WithFriction(frictionAmount, stopSpeed);
// newVelocity will have reduced magnitude due to friction.