string ControlMode { get; set; }



The ControlMode property of the Gizmo class in the Sandbox namespace is a static string property that represents the current control mode of the gizmo system. This property is used to determine how the gizmo interacts with objects in the scene, such as whether it is in translation, rotation, or scaling mode.


To use the ControlMode property, you can directly access it through the Gizmo class since it is a static property. You can set this property to change the current control mode of the gizmo system or read it to determine the current mode.


// Example of setting the ControlMode property
Gizmo.ControlMode = "Translate";

// Example of reading the ControlMode property
string currentMode = Gizmo.ControlMode;
if (currentMode == "Rotate")
    // Perform actions specific to rotation mode