bool IsDoubleClicked { get; set; }



The IsDoubleClicked property is a static boolean property of the Gizmo class in the Sandbox namespace. It indicates whether a double-click event has occurred on the gizmo. This property is useful for detecting double-click interactions, which can be used to trigger specific actions or behaviors in your application.


To use the IsDoubleClicked property, simply access it directly from the Gizmo class. Since it is a static property, you do not need to instantiate the Gizmo class to check its value. This property is read-only and returns a boolean value.


// Example of using the IsDoubleClicked property
if (Gizmo.IsDoubleClicked)
    // Perform an action when the gizmo is double-clicked

void HandleDoubleClickAction()
    // Your custom logic for handling a double-click event
    // For example, opening a detailed view or toggling a setting