bool WasRightMouseReleased { get; set; }



The WasRightMouseReleased property is a static boolean property of the Gizmo class in the Sandbox namespace. It indicates whether the right mouse button was released during the current frame. This property is useful for detecting mouse input events in a graphical user interface or during gameplay interactions.


Use the WasRightMouseReleased property to check if the right mouse button was released in the current frame. This can be particularly useful in scenarios where you need to trigger an action or event when the user releases the right mouse button.

Since this property is static, it can be accessed directly through the Gizmo class without needing to instantiate an object.


// Example usage of WasRightMouseReleased
if (Gizmo.WasRightMouseReleased)
    // Execute logic when the right mouse button is released

void PerformActionOnRightMouseRelease()
    // Your logic here