{ "SingleAssetSource": "models/consumables/cans/thermacan.vmdl", "Summary": "Canned beverages from the near future.", "Description": "Contains a variety of MaterialGroup textures, offering a range of tasty beverages for every occasion!", "Public": true, "ReplaceTags": "thermacan drink can zojima", "Resources": "", "PrimaryAsset": "models/consumables/cans/thermacan.vmdl", "ModelMetaVersion": 1, "RenderMins": "-1.609627,-1.781596,-0.08086192", "RenderMaxs": "1.609014,1.60753,6.867459", "PhysicsMins": "-1.547158,-1.762086,-0.02471423", "PhysicsMaxs": "1.547157,1.547157,5.474158", "BoneCount": 0, "MeshCount": 1, "AttachmentCount": 0, "BodyPartCount": 1, "CodePackageReferences": [] }
Name | Size | |
creation.thermacan | ||
text_snippet | thumb.png | 51.1KB |
materials/consumables/cans | ||
insert_photo | sodacan_ao_png_730bd5e2.generated.vtex_c | 74.7KB |
insert_photo | sodacan_normal_png_58a92a27.generated.vtex_c | 60.1KB |
insert_photo | thermacanadhd_color_png_9463e9ea.generated.vtex_c | 62.7KB |
collections | thermacanadhd.vmat_c | 6.2KB |
insert_photo | thermacanbargain(fancy)_color_png_82be6072.generated.vtex_c | 55.2KB |
collections | thermacanbargain(fancy).vmat_c | 6.3KB |
insert_photo | thermacanfowl_color_png_539b0ae3.generated.vtex_c | 89.5KB |
collections | thermacanfowl.vmat_c | 6.1KB |
insert_photo | thermacanfuckit_color_png_b590a1f4.generated.vtex_c | 84.7KB |
collections | thermacanfuckit.vmat_c | 6.1KB |
models/consumables/cans | ||
view_in_ar | thermacan.vmdl_c | 19.4KB |