Terrys Papers v2
Posted 5 months ago
After coming up with the monstrous list of ideas, I needed to prioritize things. Some things needed to get done and moved to the top of the list, others were moved to the "Ideas" list as they weren't necessary to what our goal was for this month.

My first task was to rewrite the core mechanics of the game. If you've read my post in the WAYWA channel in Discord, you'll know Terrys Papers is not only my first full S&box project, but also my first C# project in general. I've been developing for years, mostly modding games with Lua, website development and a few other random languages here and there, but this was a massive learning experience for me.

I can assure you, this projects code is not organized, not efficient and would probably make some more skilled C# developers vomit, but I learned a lot during this and plan to implement better practices in future versions/projects.

The first version of Terrys Papers was simple, move man to location, show objects, listen for left mouse input and ray casts. Nothing incredibly intricate, but it needed some cleanup, rewrites and polishing. I started by ripping everything out and re-adding what was needed and rewriting what needed it. This was a bit of a tedious process that took a few days but it was worth it.