Terrys Papers v2
Posted 5 months ago
As I said before, the game in it's first version had absolutely no goal (aside from getting to the top of the leaderboard). So what other way to keep players interested than some LORE. We spent a few hours coming up with the backstory of this game, from the different events to the different characters and more. The story is something we feel will give the player a goal, something to work towards aside from just "how many days can you last?". The story expanded over time, changed and even took a crazy turn as the month went on, but this gave us a structure to stick to.

I have never developed a game with a story before, but this part was incredibly fun to work on. The game features quite a few different events, some being main story events and other being random events that have don't change the course of the story. All of these different events check for specific days, specific conditions, RNG and so much more. It was tedious to get every event in and working, but it was such a good feeling seeing it all come together and work in the end.

I won't talk much about the specifics of the story, I'll leave that for you to play and experience, but I do want to talk about the main mechanic I implemented to help immerse the player into the story, the phone.