{ "MaxPlayers": 64, "MinPlayers": 1, "GameNetworkType": "Multiplayer", "MapSelect": "Tagged", "MapList": [ "dingusgames.pub_dartboard" ], "RankType": "Increment", "PerMapRanking": false, "LeaderboardType": "Ascending", "ProjectTemplate": null, "GameCategory": "Sports", "Physics": { "SubSteps": 10, "TimeScale": 1, "Gravity": "0,0,-800", "AirDensity": 1.2, "SleepingEnabled": true, "SimulationMode": "Continuous", "PositionIterations": 8, "VelocityIterations": 16, "SoftBodyIterations": 1, "SoftBodySubsteps": 1 }, "Compiler": { "RootNamespace": "DingusGames.Darts", "DefineConstants": "SANDBOX;ADDON;DEBUG", "NoWarn": "1701;1702;1591;" }, "Collision": { "Defaults": { "solid": "Collide", "trigger": "Trigger", "ladder": "Ignore", "water": "Trigger", "board": "Collide", "dart": "Collide", "oob": "Trigger" }, "Pairs": [ { "a": "solid", "b": "solid", "r": "Collide" }, { "a": "trigger", "b": "playerclip", "r": "Ignore" }, { "a": "trigger", "b": "solid", "r": "Trigger" }, { "a": "solid", "b": "trigger", "r": "Collide" }, { "a": "playerclip", "b": "solid", "r": "Collide" }, { "a": "solid", "b": "water" }, { "a": "board", "b": "board", "r": "Ignore" }, { "a": "board", "b": "dart", "r": "Trigger" }, { "a": "dart", "b": "dart", "r": "Collide" }, { "a": "dart", "b": "oob", "r": "Collide" }, { "a": "board", "b": "oob", "r": "Ignore" } ] }, "ControlModes": { "Keyboard": true }, "ParentPackage": "", "CsProjName": "", "Summary": "Darts but in s\u0026box, while waiting for a player you can practice.", "Description": "\uD83D\uDFE2 Should be working after the info_target entity was remade in C# \uD83D\uDFE2\nIf you notice any bugs please @Kerillian#7532 in the #playtest channel.\n\nHold Primary Attack to go into throwing mode, whilst in throwing mode you can flick and release Primary Attack to throw the dart.\nWhen playing with another player the ruleset is 501.\n\n~~ 501 Rules ~~\n\u2022 Your goal is to reach exactly 0.\n\u2022 If you go under 0 you bust and the other player wins.\n\u2022 Your first AND last throws must be a double or bullseye.\n\n~~ Practicing ~~\n\u2022 This is the mode you\u0027re playing while waiting for another player.\n\u2022 Reload bind respawns your held dart.\n\u2022 View bind resets the score and thrown darts.", "Public": false }