{ "SingleAssetSource": "models/sbox_props/binbags/binbag_pile_a2.vmdl", "Summary": "Pile of trash", "Description": "Pile of bin bags stacked up", "Public": true, "ReplaceTags": "bin bag binbag rubbish trash garbage litter pile", "PrimaryAsset": "models/sbox_props/binbags/binbag_pile_a2.vmdl", "ModelMetaVersion": 1, "RenderMins": "-24.61925,-17.20747,-0.9884105", "RenderMaxs": "27.26354,23.88247,24.74603", "PhysicsMins": "-25.98904,-17.53474,-0.9614429", "PhysicsMaxs": "28.09363,24.82574,26.56378", "BoneCount": 0, "MeshCount": 4, "AttachmentCount": 0, "BodyPartCount": 1 }
Name | Size | |
/facepunch.binbag_pile_a2 | ||
text_snippet | thumb.png | 29.9KB |
models/sbox_props/binbags | ||
view_in_ar | binbag_pile_a2.vmdl_c | 109.2KB |
insert_photo | binbags_a_ao_tga_9c7d0910.generated.vtex_c | 2.3MB |
insert_photo | binbags_a_color_tga_60a0d247.generated.vtex_c | 3.8MB |
insert_photo | binbags_a_mask_tga_9effa51.generated.vtex_c | 1.3MB |
insert_photo | binbags_a_normal_tga_6ec7bc79.generated.vtex_c | 4.8MB |
insert_photo | binbags_a_subsurface_tga_c7af6f6c.generated.vtex_c | 2.7MB |
collections | binbags_a.vmat_c | 6.9KB |
insert_photo | binbags_white_a_color_tga_67db3359.generated.vtex_c | 3.5MB |
collections | binbags_white_a.vmat_c | 7.6KB |