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resources/weapons | ||
text_snippet | 1911.wpn_c | 2.5KB |
text_snippet | akm.wpn_c | 2.5KB |
text_snippet | f1.wpn_c | 2.6KB |
text_snippet | mp5.wpn_c | 2.4KB |
text_snippet | r870.wpn_c | 2.4KB |
text_snippet | revolver.wpn_c | 2.6KB |
shaders | ||
text_snippet | complex.shader_c | 90.8MB |
text_snippet | generic.shader_c | 2MB |
text_snippet | simple.shader_c | 542.2KB |
text_snippet | sky.shader_c | 75.6KB |
sounds/announcer | ||
text_snippet | announcer_doublekill.sound_c | 777B |
text_snippet | announcer_firstblood.sound_c | 777B |
text_snippet | announcer_payback.sound_c | 756B |
text_snippet | announcer_triplekill.sound_c | 777B |
text_snippet | announcer_ultrakill.sound_c | 759B |
text_snippet | doublekill_01.vsnd_c | 62KB |
text_snippet | doublekill_02.vsnd_c | 66.1KB |
text_snippet | firstblood_01.vsnd_c | 77.3KB |
text_snippet | firstblood_02.vsnd_c | 85.5KB |
text_snippet | payback_01.vsnd_c | 53.8KB |
text_snippet | payback_02.vsnd_c | 69.1KB |
text_snippet | triplekill_01.vsnd_c | 70.2KB |
text_snippet | triplekill_02.vsnd_c | 78.3KB |
text_snippet | ultrakill_01.vsnd_c | 73.2KB |
text_snippet | ultrakill_02.vsnd_c | 74.2KB |
sounds/guns/akm | ||
text_snippet | ak_shoot_1.vsnd_c | 113.2KB |
text_snippet | ak_shoot_2.vsnd_c | 134.5KB |
text_snippet | akm_shoot.vsnd_c | 198.8KB |
text_snippet | akm.shoot.sound_c | 740B |
text_snippet | ar1_shoot 01.vsnd_c | 364KB |
sounds/guns/f1 | ||
text_snippet | ar2_shoot.sound_c | 815B |
text_snippet | ar2_shoot1.vsnd_c | 688.8KB |
text_snippet | ar2_shoot2.vsnd_c | 662.8KB |
text_snippet | ar2_shoot3.vsnd_c | 208.7KB |
sounds/guns | ||
text_snippet | gun_dryfire.sound_c | 643B |
text_snippet | gun.dryfire.vsnd_c | 33.6KB |
text_snippet | kill.sound_c | 619B |
text_snippet | kill.vsnd_c | 312.8KB |
sounds/guns/knife | ||
text_snippet | knife.deploy.sound_c | 666B |
text_snippet | knife.deploy.vsnd_c | 144.6KB |
text_snippet | knife.swing.sound_c | 672B |
text_snippet | knife.swing.vsnd_c | 28.7KB |
sounds/guns/m1911 | ||
text_snippet | 1911_shoot_1.vsnd_c | 572.5KB |
text_snippet | pistol_shoot.sound_c | 675B |
text_snippet | pistol_shoot.vsnd_c | 243.6KB |
sounds/guns/m1911/reload | ||
text_snippet | m1911.reload.fow.sound_c | 693B |
text_snippet | m1911.reload.fow.vsnd_c | 107KB |
text_snippet | m1911.reload.load.sound_c | 694B |
text_snippet | m1911.reload.load.vsnd_c | 139.9KB |
text_snippet | m1911.reload.out.sound_c | 693B |
text_snippet | m1911.reload.out.vsnd_c | 139.9KB |
text_snippet | m1911.reload.sound_c | 689B |
text_snippet | m1911.reload.vsnd_c | 46.5KB |
sounds/guns/mp5/reload | ||
text_snippet | mp5.mag.load.sound_c | 687B |
text_snippet | mp5.mag.load.vsnd_c | 63.7KB |
text_snippet | mp5.mag.sound_c | 666B |
text_snippet | mp5.mag.vsnd_c | 54.1KB |
text_snippet | mp5.move.sound_c | 667B |
text_snippet | mp5.move.vsnd_c | 92.8KB |
sounds/guns/mp5 | ||
text_snippet | smg1_shoot.sound_c | 837B |
text_snippet | smg1_shoot1.vsnd_c | 193.1KB |
text_snippet | smg1_shoot2.vsnd_c | 193.1KB |
text_snippet | smg1_shoot3.vsnd_c | 193.1KB |
sounds/guns/r870 | ||
text_snippet | shotgun_cock.sound_c | 665B |
text_snippet | shotgun_cock.vsnd_c | 126.3KB |
text_snippet | shotgun_load.sound_c | 665B |
text_snippet | shotgun_load.vsnd_c | 90.4KB |
text_snippet | shotgun_pump.sound_c | 665B |
text_snippet | shotgun_pump.vsnd_c | 115KB |
text_snippet | shotgun1_shoot.sound_c | 761B |
text_snippet | shotgun1_shoot1.vsnd_c | 221.1KB |
text_snippet | shotgun1_shoot2.vsnd_c | 220.5KB |
sounds/guns/revolver | ||
text_snippet | revolver_shoot.1.vsnd_c | 375.8KB |
text_snippet | revolver_shoot.2.vsnd_c | 375.8KB |
text_snippet | revolver_shoot.3.vsnd_c | 663.8KB |
text_snippet | revolver_shoot.sound_c | 899B |
text_snippet | revolver.case.1.vsnd_c | 280.6KB |
text_snippet | revolver.case.2.vsnd_c | 237.6KB |
text_snippet | revolver.case.3.vsnd_c | 388.3KB |
text_snippet | revolver.case.sound_c | 894B |
text_snippet | revolver.hammer.sound_c | 688B |
text_snippet | revolver.hammer.vsnd_c | 38.6KB |
text_snippet | revolver.reload.sound_c | 688B |
text_snippet | revolver.reload.vsnd_c | 75.4KB |
sounds/guns/switch | ||
text_snippet | switch_1.vsnd_c | 129.8KB |
text_snippet | switch_2.vsnd_c | 116.8KB |
text_snippet | switch_3.vsnd_c | 108.3KB |
text_snippet | weapon_switch.sound_c | 770B |
sounds | ||
text_snippet | heartbeat.sound_c | 619B |
text_snippet | heartbeat.vsnd_c | 184.7KB |
sounds/interactions | ||
text_snippet | loot_box.sound_c | 663B |
text_snippet | loot_box.vsnd_c | 151.4KB |
sounds/music/round_intro | ||
text_snippet | epic_intro_1.sound_c | 694B |
text_snippet | epic_intro_1.vsnd_c | 2.2MB |
sounds/physics/bullet_impacts | ||
text_snippet | metal_01.vsnd_c | 45.7KB |
sounds/player | ||
text_snippet | damage_taken_shot.sound_c | 686B |
text_snippet | damage_taken_shot.vsnd_c | 92.7KB |
sounds/player/foley/gear | ||
text_snippet | add.walking.1.vsnd_c | 124.2KB |
text_snippet | add.walking.2.vsnd_c | 156.8KB |
text_snippet | add.walking.3.vsnd_c | 144.4KB |
text_snippet | add.walking.4.vsnd_c | 169.2KB |
text_snippet | add.walking.5.vsnd_c | 148KB |
text_snippet | add.walking.6.vsnd_c | 179.5KB |
text_snippet | player.heavy_land.gear.sound_c | 1KB |
text_snippet | player.jump.gear.sound_c | 697B |
text_snippet | player.walk.gear.sound_c | 1.1KB |
text_snippet | ply.landing.1.vsnd_c | 129.9KB |
text_snippet | ply.landing.2.vsnd_c | 151.4KB |
text_snippet | ply.landing.3.vsnd_c | 129.9KB |
text_snippet | ply.landing.4.vsnd_c | 129.9KB |
sounds/player/foley/slide | ||
text_snippet | ski.loop.sound_c | 670B |
text_snippet | ski.loop.vsnd_c | 6MB |
text_snippet | ski.stop.sound_c | 677B |
text_snippet | ski.stop.vsnd_c | 156KB |
sounds/ui/hitsound | ||
text_snippet | ui.hit.sound_c | 675B |
sounds/ui/round | ||
text_snippet | countdown.beep.sound_c | 672B |
text_snippet | countdown.beep.vsnd_c | 42.5KB |
text_snippet | countdown.start.sound_c | 679B |
text_snippet | friendlydown.sound_c | 663B |
text_snippet | friendlydown.vsnd_c | 546.6KB |
text_snippet | round.lost.sound_c | 645B |
text_snippet | round.lost.vsnd_c | 196.9KB |
text_snippet | round.start.sound_c | 662B |
text_snippet | round.start.vsnd_c | 409.8KB |
text_snippet | round.won.sound_c | 644B |
text_snippet | round.won.vsnd_c | 689.7KB |
sounds/ui | ||
text_snippet | ten_seconds.sound_c | 640B |
text_snippet | ten_seconds.vsnd_c | 1.7MB |
styles | ||
text_snippet | base.scss | 789B |
styles/base | ||
text_snippet | _fileentry.scss | 238B |
text_snippet | _navigator.scss | 62B |
text_snippet | _popup.scss | 3.4KB |
text_snippet | _splitcontainer.scss | 411B |
text_snippet | _tabcontainer.scss | 1.2KB |
text_snippet | _textentry.scss | 1.1KB |
styles | ||
text_snippet | form.scss | 894B |
styles/form | ||
text_snippet | _checkbox.scss | 791B |
text_snippet | _coloreditor.scss | 3.7KB |
text_snippet | _colorproperty.scss | 287B |
text_snippet | _dropdown.scss | 413B |
text_snippet | _slider.scss | 1.8KB |
text_snippet | _switch.scss | 879B |
textures/dev/simple | ||
insert_photo | floor_simple_128_color_tga_bc5c7b5d.generated.vtex_c | 47.8KB |
insert_photo | floor_simple_128_rough_tga_7c323bd7.generated.vtex_c | 30.7KB |
insert_photo | floor_simple_hs_rough_tga_c5a8aba3.generated.vtex_c | 136.7KB |
insert_photo | simple_tint_hs_mask_tga_b5578546.generated.vtex_c | 131KB |
insert_photo | wall_simple_128_color_tga_6e2c5e1c.generated.vtex_c | 47.8KB |
ui | ||
text_snippet | ammo.html | 320B |
ui/chat | ||
text_snippet | chatbox.scss | 1.6KB |
ui/chatbox | ||
text_snippet | chatbox.scss | 4KB |
ui | ||
text_snippet | checkbox.html | 1.2KB |
text_snippet | checkbox.scss | 93B |
text_snippet | crown.png | 1.1KB |
ui/devcam | ||
text_snippet | colorpanel.html | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | dofpanel.html | 401B |
text_snippet | filmgrainpanel.html | 483B |
text_snippet | motionblurpanel.html | 486B |
text_snippet | vignettepanel.html | 714B |
ui | ||
text_snippet | devcamsettings.html | 1.1KB |
text_snippet | devcamsettings.scss | 2.8KB |
ui/firemode | ||
text_snippet | auto.png | 1.5KB |
text_snippet | burst.png | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | semi.png | 855B |
ui/hints | ||
text_snippet | climb_arrow.png | 12.3KB |
ui/hit | ||
text_snippet | hit_marker.png | 3.2KB |
text_snippet | kill_marker_headshot.png | 11.1KB |
text_snippet | kill_marker.png | 9.4KB |
ui/hud | ||
text_snippet | hudhints.html | 1.2KB |
text_snippet | hudhints.scss | 2.5KB |
ui/hudmarkers | ||
text_snippet | hudmarkers.scss | 4.1KB |
ui/killfeed | ||
text_snippet | killfeed.scss | 1.3KB |
ui/loadoutpanel | ||
text_snippet | loadoutpanel.scss | 1.9KB |
ui | ||
text_snippet | marker.png | 1.4KB |
ui/progression | ||
text_snippet | loadoutselector.scss | 5.6KB |
ui | ||
text_snippet | radial_gradient.png | 169.8KB |
text_snippet | resource.png | 1.5KB |
ui/scoreboard | ||
text_snippet | gunfightscoreboard.scss | 6.7KB |
text_snippet | scoreboard.scss | 879B |
ui/stance | ||
text_snippet | duck.png | 87.9KB |
text_snippet | run.png | 54.7KB |
text_snippet | stand.png | 88.4KB |
ui/voicechat | ||
text_snippet | gunvoicelist.scss | 950B |
text_snippet | gunvoicespeaker.scss | 228B |
text_snippet | voicelist.scss | 814B |
text_snippet | voicespeaker.scss | 285B |
ui/weapons | ||
text_snippet | akm.png | 12.6KB |
text_snippet | famas.png | 14KB |
text_snippet | grenade.png | 8KB |
text_snippet | knife.png | 13.9KB |
text_snippet | m1911.png | 8.4KB |
text_snippet | mp5.png | 18.1KB |
text_snippet | pump-shotgun.png | 13.5KB |