Autumn Cleaning
Posted 2 months ago
From developers, I think the biggest form of feedback has been that the code's a behemoth. And it is.

I'm working to clean up as much as I can. There's a lot of systems that exist to keep things modular. From afar it can look like unneeded complexity. We've got interfaces everywhere for game events, so other systems can listen in to stuff, instead of just hardwiring links everywhere.. We've also got a lot of components for weapons. A lot of this isn't necessary if you're making a simple game. I'm going to work on cutting out as much as I can.

And then we've got loads of experiments like our Conquest gamemode and Vehicles that I believe are out of scope for the game as a whole - they've been removed. We're going to focus on boots on the ground for now.

Another form of feedback has been jank - I think a lot of it spans from our pawn and spectator system. There's a lot of holes there that need filling up. We want to keep that pawn system there, because we'd like to add drones, and possible other controllables in the future - so we'll make that work.

We're doing alright on errors, it's pretty low now. It used to be a lot higher.
My end goal for this game is to be able to split out a bunch of modules that we can use for a Sample FPS game. It's not a template, but a starting point where people can make complex shooter games.