{ "SingleAssetSource": "models/sbox_props/leaves_scatter/leaves_scatter_pile_a2.vmdl", "Summary": "Pile of leaves", "Description": "Pile of leaves on the ground - 2 material variants", "Public": true, "ReplaceTags": "leaf leaves scatter debris pile", "PrimaryAsset": "models/sbox_props/leaves_scatter/leaves_scatter_pile_a2.vmdl", "ModelMetaVersion": 1, "RenderMins": "-30.70774,-30.91758,-0.1262474", "RenderMaxs": "32.19183,30.86766,2.394774", "PhysicsMins": "0,0,0", "PhysicsMaxs": "0,0,0", "BoneCount": 0, "MeshCount": 1, "AttachmentCount": 0, "BodyPartCount": 1 }
Name | Size | |
/facepunch.leaves_pile_a2 | ||
text_snippet | thumb.png | 13.6KB |
models/sbox_props/leaves_scatter | ||
insert_photo | leaves_scatter_ao_tga_698eda46.generated.vtex_c | 684.6KB |
insert_photo | leaves_scatter_b_color_tga_20ff7f7c.generated.vtex_c | 602.6KB |
insert_photo | leaves_scatter_b_normal_tga_ba9b9b5f.generated.vtex_c | 1.3MB |
collections | leaves_scatter_b.vmat_c | 6.7KB |
insert_photo | leaves_scatter_color_tga_c9a9604b.generated.vtex_c | 913.5KB |
insert_photo | leaves_scatter_normal_tga_8854cce4.generated.vtex_c | 1.3MB |
view_in_ar | leaves_scatter_pile_a2.vmdl_c | 19.4KB |
collections | leaves_scatter.vmat_c | 6.8KB |