{ "MapList": [ "blubber_runner" ], "MinPlayers": 1, "MaxPlayers": 1, "GameNetworkType": "Singleplayer", "MapSelect": "Hidden", "RankType": "Increment", "LeaderboardType": "Descending", "PerMapRanking": false, "GameCategory": "None", "Summary": "You eat stuff to get points while listening to a bopper", "Description": "[UPDATE 08/03/2022]\r\nLeaderboards! Try beating my score!\r\n\r\nCOPYRIGHT MUSIC WARNING\r\nI might remove it in the future because it\u0027s not worth getting a strike over this.\r\n\r\nThis is the first thing I\u0027ve done in S\u0026box, there are only 2 levels because I didn\u0027t make a level editor. This will probably never be updated unless I decide to make a sequel.\r\nIt uses the old citizen model from before the animations were made public, big thanks to Grodbert for animating the character and making it obese.", "Public": true }