{ "SingleAssetSource": "models/training_post/training_post.vmdl", "Summary": "using a bag of wheat and a log its a makeshift training post you can attack to increase your strength!", "Description": "", "Public": true, "ReplaceTags": "wood prop", "PrimaryAsset": "models/training_post/training_post.vmdl", "ModelMetaVersion": 1, "RenderMins": "-3.912817,-10.4896,-0.1108865", "RenderMaxs": "14.42992,10.48619,56.19074", "PhysicsMins": "-4.598382,-13.56647,-14.76992", "PhysicsMaxs": "16.85704,11.2205,60.45812", "BoneCount": 0, "MeshCount": 1, "AttachmentCount": 0, "BodyPartCount": 1 }
Name | Size | |
/fish.gt_training_post | ||
text_snippet | thumb.png | 25.6KB |
materials/default | ||
insert_photo | default_ao_tga_7449568e.generated.vtex_c | 1.9KB |
models/sacks | ||
insert_photo | sack_color_png_fe0ce6a4.generated.vtex_c | 172.5KB |
insert_photo | sack_normal_png_f9ea099.generated.vtex_c | 298KB |
collections | sack.vmat_c | 5.3KB |
models/training_post | ||
insert_photo | training_post_ao_tga_6cb8e596.generated.vtex_c | 586.4KB |
insert_photo | training_post_color_tga_f0c65d1e.generated.vtex_c | 411.3KB |
insert_photo | training_post_normal_tga_5dff9c28.generated.vtex_c | 1.2MB |
collections | training_post.vmat_c | 5.4KB |
view_in_ar | training_post.vmdl_c | 39.9KB |