Updates going forward
Posted 7 months ago
Someone mentioned that I should start using the news section for posting updates to my game, which in hindsight would probably have been a good idea to do from the start. For now I'm just going to dump my current changelog in here and start making news posts once I get around to implementing newsworthy stuff. My game description was getting a bit long with me shoving every little minor change in there, heh.

For anyone who's new: Bricked is a new spin on traditional block breaking games akin to Arkanoid and the likes. What started out as learning project has grown into a modestly popular game with nearly 300 players duking it out on the leaderboards. I'm fairly happy with the state of the game right now but I have a ton of stuff planned to make it even better:

- A handful of new powerups to keep the game engaging 
- More random events for fun and profit
- Additional gamemodes
- Individual scoring for levels
- Weekly and monthly leaderboards to go along with the global one
- Full steam deck support (?!) 
- A metric ton of new levels and so much more

Obviously I'm not going to be able to make all of this happen before the end of the Game Jam but I'm planning to support Bricked for a long while afterwards. Hopefully some of you will stick around to see this all happen.

Trying to work on the game as much as possible while having a full-time job has been an interesting challenge and I'd be more than happy to keep it up for you guys. Some of you have really been too kind with the amount of feedback I've received over the last few weeks and it has turned the game into a much more fun experience. Here's an extra shoutout to you guys, you know exactly who you are ❤️

Thanks for playing my game, 

- Flubber